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Choose your pricing plan (4-6 hrs of training weekly)
Mini (Ages 3-5)Cash Option $45
0$ÂAges 3 -5 Choose this plan if paying w Cash/PayPal, CashAppValid for 5 monthsMini Ages 3 - 5 CC Monthly Option
45$Every monthAges 3 -5 Choose this plan if paying w CC/PayPalValid for 5 months- Creative Dance Class
- Any behavior issue and current month payment is nonrefundabl
- There will be a $20 late fee after the 5th of each month
Mini (Ages 3-5) One Time Payment Option
200$ÂCreative Dance ClassValid for one month- Discounted
Jrs (Ages 6 -12) CC Monthly Option
85$Every monthBallet, Jazz, Contemporary, Boys' ClassValid for 5 months- Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, 1 elective
- Any behavior issue and current month payment is nonrefundabl
- There will be a $20 late fee after the 5th of each month
Teens (ages 13 -18) CC Monthly Option
120$Every monthBallet, Jazz, Contemporary, 1 electiveValid for 5 months- All Classes Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Modern
- Any behavior issue and current month payment is nonrefundabl
- There will be a $20 late fee after the 5th of each month
Teens (Ages 13-18) Cash Option
0$ÂCash Option - Class $120 a month - Registration OnlyValid for 5 months- Will be billed through Cash/Paypal/CashApp
Teen (Age 13-18) One Time Payment Option
575$ÂOne Time Payment w DiscountValid for one month- Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary
Jr's (Ages 6-12) Cash Option $85 a month
0$ÂBallet, Jazz, ContemporaryValid for one month- Payment will be set up by Cashapp, Venom, Paypal
Jr (Ages 6-12) One Time Payment Option
400$ÂPayment for 5 months w discountValid for one month
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